Site C Dam Project

More good info from our MLA, Pat Bell.


Hi All

Sorry I'm really late this week with my Top 10. I had a very busy weekend in Mackenzie with the annual Chamber of Commerce Spring Exposition. This year’s Exposition was very well attended and the mood was positive with everyone looking forward to the re-opening of the Paper Excellence pulp mill and the Conifix sawmills. In addition, I was able to announce a new funding model for the payment of Physicians in Mackenzie. This new salaried model is based on a pilot that has worked very well in Fraser Lake. The stability that has been seen in Fraser Lake will really help support Mackenzie’s long term health care goals.

In addition, last week I attended the "Site C" announcement and what a great day it was. The project has the potential to add significantly to the economic outlook of both Prince George and Mackenzie. This week I will focus the Top 10 on some of the details of Site C.

Have a great week!


1.       Stats on the Site C Clean Energy Project (Site C):

a.       It will be a third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeast B.C.

b.       It will be an earthfill dam, approximately 1,100 metres in length, and 60 metres high above the river bed.

c.       The reservoir will be approximately 83 kilometres long and will be, on average, two to three times the width of the current river.

2.       Site C will contribute to the local and provincial economy by creating an estimated 7,650 direct construction jobs through the construction period, and up to 35,000 direct and indirect jobs through all stages of the project.

3.      As a source of firm energy, Site C will facilitate the development of clean energy projects by providing additional capacity to back up intermittent resources, such as wind, run-of-river hydro and solar.

4.       The Site C Clean Energy Project will help meet B.C.’s future electricity needs by providing 900 megawatts of capacity and 4,600 gigawatt hours of electricity each year

5.      Source of clean and renewable energy for over 100 years.  Producing enough energy to power approximately 410,000 homes per year.  BC’s electricity needs are forecast to increase by 20 to 40 per cent in the next 20 years, as the province’s population is estimated to grow by more than one million people.  Site C will allow British Columbians to continue to enjoy the benefits of clean, reliable and affordable electricity in the future.

6.       As the third project on one river system, Site C will gain significant efficiencies by taking advantage of water already stored in the Williston Reservoir. This means that Site C would generate about 30 per cent of the energy produced at W.A.C. Bennett Dam, with only five per cent of the reservoir area.

7.       To compensate for recreational impacts and opportunities identified through environmental and regulatory reviews, options to support or enhance new opportunities will be identified.  As an example, the reservoir would offer new lake based recreation and tourism opportunities such as boating, fishing, hiking and camping.

8.       The Site C Clean Energy Project will produce among the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per gigawatt-hour, when compared with other forms of electricity generation. This will help B.C. further displace fossil fuel-generated electricity with clean energy.

9.       Site C will prepare our province for the emerging electrification of the transportation sector — including rail, ports and electric plug-in vehicles — and other technologies aimed at reducing fossil fuel dependency will eventually place new demands on our electricity system. For example, early forecasts suggest that between 10 per cent and 60 per cent of vehicles purchased by 2025 will be plug-in hybrid electric or all electric.

10.   Site C will be a heritage asset of BC Hydro, which means it would be publicly owned by the people of B.C. in perpetuity.


For Real Estate info just call or email. Cheers!

Best regards
Dean Birks

Royal LePage Prince George
Direct Phone: 250-612-1709
Private Fax: 1-888-870-4132


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