Government Committee Working on Wood Innovation Centre
By 250 News Tuesday, April 06, 2010 10:37 AM
Prince George, B.C.- The Wood Innovation Centre for Prince George is in the planning stages says Finance Minister Colin Hansen.
Speaking on the Meisner program on CFISFM this morning, Minister Hansen said the project is definitely “on the books” and the money has been set aside for it. “There is a committee within government that is working specifically on that” says Hansen, who adds “The Premier has assigned one of the senior deputy Ministers to this. Her top priority is to pull all of that together.” Hansen say there are still a lot of details to be worked out but there has been enough money put aside to ensure the project gets going.
The Wood Innovation Centre is considered to be the cornerstone of a major development for downtown Prince George. It has been proposed that it be linked with a satellite campus of UNBC which would house an engineering school.
It is expected the City will provide the land for the project, and while the newly purchased P.G. Hotel site might be on the list of possibles, there is also the block on 6th between Quebec and Dominion Streets which may be suitable.
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Dean Birks
Royal LePage Prince George
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