Did you know that 89% of Prince George residents live within 400 metres of a park or open green space?
Did you know that 89% of Prince George residents live within 400 metres of a park or open green space?
What they found were many rare mosses, many more rare lichens and also some plants that are new to science. A total of 2,400 different species, in fact.
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It’s incredible what’s happened in Prince George’s restaurant industry in the last few years.
It’s a tough, competitive business and every customer that walks through...
Northern Lights Estate Winery took gold, silver and bronze as B.C. dominated the fruit wine sector of the All Canadian Wine Championships.
From the 46 medals offered in the fruit wine category, 23 were...
Here is link to the recent Economic Update from the City of Prince George for May 2018.
HATS OFF!! to all those involved in the design and development of the new Marriott Courtyard Hotel here in Prince George BC. I had a tour of the property this morning and this is a first class hotel!! Its...
Here's why business people are awesome - they're the most optimistic people you can meet. Period.
Yeah, they worry and even complain about tough things are, about the barriers in their way and how they're...
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) reported the average absorbed single-detached unit price for new housing construction for April 2018 was $581,317 with 11 new units sold in Prince George....