City of Prince George population is shrinking… NOT!

The recent news via the The Prince George Citizen that the population here in Prince George is shrinking is a false number. I would estimate we are closer to 90,000. I would say it is in the best interest of both the Federal and Provincial governments to see the lowering of population through poor counting procedures. The best way for both these governments to reduce their costs via transfer payments to cities is to see to a lower population count which is another way to push expenses down to the city or town.
I would suggest the City of PG looks at what this is costing us by these reduced transfer payments verses the cost to have an accurate count done of our population... The cost to do this may be worth it.
My family has not been contacted in recent memory for a census and wonder how many others have not and/or we may just be too red neck enough to fill out the census. If this is the case the city should put on a campaign to encourage to be involved in the count. How? Well, if it turns out that doing a proper count is cost effective vs lost transfer payments then sell the population on being counted... Ask this question at the beginning of the questionnaire - "Want to reduce your taxes and have the Feds pay instead? Then how many people including the tenants you don't want anyone to know about live in this home?"
Just a thought.... Cheers!


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